
Apologies and Anticipation

Dear Audience - I must apologize this week. I haven’t seen much, and what I did see wasn’t impressive. First things first – the only film I watched this week was the remake of “The Taking of Pelham 123”. It should be really done 1-2-3, because this film is just basic - basically boring. Directed by Tony Scott, Denzel Washington and John Travolta walk through a film lacking characters, suspense, drama, effects, or development. At times, I felt like I was waiting for the train/ending – and waiting – and waiting. Travolta again channels his much better “Face/Off” performance, and Denzel is reduced to playing Every Man. Tony Scott illustrates the haphazard camera shots normally attributed to the Michael Bay school of filming.

There are two reasons why I didn’t really watch much this week. The first is that I’ve been a bit under the weather (and no, I do NOT have the swine flu – just a simple head cold). The second has to do with the fact that cinematic storytelling is quite dead right now. Never has this been clearer to me than Sunday night, or technically Monday Morning.

I couldn’t sleep Sunday night. I have no idea why. I figured that since I couldn’t sleep I would watch the finale of my favorite show “Mad Men” that night, instead of waiting to on demand it Monday morning. I miss the original run time and the replay to watch football, so I stayed up until 2:30 watching the replay. It was worth every minute.

For me, this show is seven-layer taco dip. Detailed storytelling, an investment in a group of characters revealed over time, new and UNEXPECTED twists, a few laughs, and a few tears combine perfectly to interweave plotlines. At the end of the 40+ minutes, I wanted next season to start next week. (I also wanted to write AMC to tell them to expand to 22 eps.) I’m such a fan of this show I have quotes from it on post-it notes on my desk. It is that good.

But within the treat that was the “Mad Men” finale, there was another added present. During one of the “limited commercial interruptions” was an ad for the new Jason Reitman film “Up in the Air”. At that moment I had two thoughts – one, my two celebrity crushes Jon Hamm and George Clooney FINALLY combined and two, there is cinematic hope! I couldn’t discover the entire plot during the trailer! The characters looked realistic and interesting! I laughed at the trailer because it was witty! I actually had anticipation! (cue Carly Simon)

So here’s hoping that hidden among yet another Disney 3D holiday mess, a musical I won’t get to see until January, an important Race Relations Film, there’s not just another quirky, indie drama. Here’s hoping that somewhere underneath the commerciality – may lay a good story or two. It’s getting to be that time of year. I just have to get through this dreck first.


  1. I'm going to start watching Mad Men at some point. Did you know that it's going to be a year till next season? So that gives me enough time to watch.

  2. A year til next season? Why on earth would they do that to us?

  3. well from what i've seen with the stories they've come up with, it takes time to develop the story. specially the way they do. so i'm kinda excited to see it. speaking of john hamm has a part in shrek 4(the final in the series). Add Kathy Griffin and Kristen Schaal and it should be hilarious and way better than 3.
