
She's back - or maybe she never really left!

Welcome back to me!

It's that time of year. Not just football season (although that's enough of a reason to rejoice, especially for Colts fans everywhere), but it's also the pre-Oscar race. And that's enough of a reason for me to start my blog again.

My friends and co-workers have been asking me my opinion on films for years. I don't delude myself to think that my opinions matter all that much. But I do think that most people find my opinions amusing, and in most cases far too critical. I've been told that I pay far too much attention to silly things like directors, writing, scenery and actors who can act.

But that's just me - geek extraordinaire that I am. I'm pretty well-rounded. I love to read (including comic books), and I watch far too much television. (On-demand could be one of the best things ever invented.) I finally figured out that I'm ok with what makes me unique, and I'm not going to change these things, although they may change themselves in time.

Unfortunately, I'm sure I won't post here as much as I would like. I don't really get to the theater much anymore, but thanks to Netflix, Redbox, and the internet, I'll watch as much as I can. I do have a day job, and there's always more to watch. My reviews may not be precise, but they will be honest.

But I do admit that I have biases. Everyone does. I feel it's important when one starts something like this that you know what I'm like from the very beginning. That way you can't say that you weren't warned.

What I like: strong writing, performances I can believe, realism, the absence of the big red bow tying up loose ends, not being spoonfed by a director, and Audrey Hepburn.

What I don't like: romantic comedies, stuff that blows up for no good reason, moronic comedy, things that insult my intelligence, Kate Hudson (I am well aware that's redundant), and the New England Patriots.

I think older movies are usually superior to newer ones, even though I stipulate that there are many I haven't seen that probably aren't - and that applies to both sides of the argument. I think there aren't enough good movies today and you have to look too hard for those that qualify. I think that just because I film is nominated for an Oscar doesn't mean it's good. I believe that a cineplex that shows Cinematic Masterpieces can also have one arthouse showing. Arthouse doesn't mean good and a summer movie doesn't have to be bad.

Genre-wise, my tastes seem to be changing as much as I am. I am getting older. Pushing 40 seems to have changed me a bit. I'm more open now. Sci-fi can indeed be written well. Films can be entertaining and still be great. I also believe that Michael Bay did indeed redeem himself with "Transformers" and I haven't had as much fun in a theater all year. I believe that IMAX is fantastic, but the film has to compliment the technology. I have a soft spot in my heart for horror movies, but I think the best horror isn't in the US.

But I still don't believe that Nic Cage can act. Let's get that straight RIGHT NOW.

This may not really be a defined set of reviews. It may end up just being a catalogue of my cinematic experiences - regardless of whether they're in a theater, in my living room, or on my laptop. I have a tendancy to watch things in spurts, so you might get 4 films one week and then only 1 per week for a month after. I'll try to fit in all genres and both foreign and domestic films. I'll also take requests, so if you have something you want my take on, feel free to ask.

So, in closing, if you're still interested, feel free to keep reading. I'll add when I can. If you aren't, then thanks for stopping by and have a glorious day.

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